$25006 days

Luxury Tour

This tour takes you to some of the most popular destinations in Uganda. Lake Bunyonyi is a stunning lake surrounded by rolling hills and is known for its scenic beauty and opportunities for water activities. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is home to nearly half of the world's remaining mountain gorillas and offers the unique opportunity to trek through the dense forest to observe these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. Lake Mutanda, situated in the shadow of the Virunga Mountains, is known for its stunning scenery and tranquility. Lake Mburo National Park is a small but beautiful park with a variety of wildlife, including zebras and impalas. The tour also includes a stop at the Uganda Equator, a popular tourist destination where you can stand on the equator and take photos.


The safari tour includes a visit to Lake Bunyonyi, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest for gorilla trekking, and Lake Mburo National Park for a game drive, with stops for meals and accommodations along the way.

Day 1: Drive to lake Bunyonyi, break fast on the Ugandaequator, lunch on the way, dinner at the accommodation.

Day 2: Breakfast canoeing on lake Bunyonyi, lunch, dinner.

Day 3: Breakfast, drive to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest lunch at the accommodation, chill dinner.

Day 4: Breakfast, Gorillas Trekking, lunch, drive to Lake Mutanda accommodation.

Day 5: Breakfast drive to Lake Mburo National Park, lunch, evening game drive, dinner.

Day 6: Breakfast, drive back to Kampala/Entebbe Airport, lunch at Uganda equator.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6