Located on the Uganda-Kenya border, Mt Elgon boasts the largest volcanic base in the world, covering an area of 4,000 km2. As the oldest and largest solitary volcanic mountain in East Africa, its vast form stretches 60km in diameter, rising over 3,000 meters above the surrounding plains. The cool heights of the mountain provide a respite from the hot plains below, offering a refuge for flora and fauna at higher altitudes.
Within the Mount Elgon National Park, there are over 300 species of birds, including the endangered Lammergeyer, as well as some antelopes, forest monkeys, elephants, and buffalos that call the mountainside home. The higher slopes are protected by national parks in Uganda and Kenya, creating an extensive transboundary conservation area that has been declared a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve.
Accommodation: Masai Backpackers (Kapkwai Village) The crow’s Nest 9 (Sipi Falls) Twilight Sipi Camseil (Kapckwa)
Unlike many other mountains, a climb on Mt. Elgon’s deserted moorland offers an uncluttered and magnificent view without a summit-oriented approach. While the ultimate goal is not the ascent to the 4,321m Wagagai Peak, reaching the top of Mt. Elgon presents an opportunity to descend into the vast 40km caldera.